Saturday, October 28, 2017

Working right along

Finished up the water damaged (rotted porch roof) dollhouse last week! (First Post About This Dollhouse; Second Post)

BEFORE: Needs work

AFTER: Isn't she lovely?

BEFORE: Busted side door and missing rails on porch

AFTER: Side porch door replaced and railings in place

BEFORE: Front catastrophe!

BEFORE: Front porch was more toothpicks than railing

BEFORE: Front door was...drafty

AFTER: Front door and porch railings all replaced

BEFORE: Wallpapers and floorings showing their age

AFTER: Room is crisp and clean!
I forgot to take an overall interior picture. I guess I was so focused on the exterior, I forgot all about the interior before pictures with the exception of that one room above.  But all rooms had old papers removed and new ones installed except for bottom two center rooms which had previously been a dirty stucco that we cleaned and repainted bright white.

AFTER: all interior rooms were repainted or rewallpapered

AFTER: Flooring all replaced

AFTER: So amazing!

Several customer houses are waiting for me at work to finish, but I am only working on them during work hours so that I may still work on my own projects at home. I have been invited back to display my miniatures at the Green Springs Holiday Open House again this year so I feel like I should be working on finishing up some of my smaller projects to display there.  And my Mansion is calling me: I am certain I can get the exterior mostly done before the end of the year!  A blog entry about my Mansion will be posted in a month or so (if I can fit it in between my BFF's visit and our trip to the Philly show! and my sister's baby shower and the arrival of my niece in late Nov/early Dec).  Happy Halloween, my friends!


  1. Hello Lori,
    I think it is wonderful that you have brought that beautiful dollhouse back to lif3e. It looks stunning!
    Big hug

  2. Hi, Lori - You've done a wonderful job on all the restoration of the Water Damaged House. It's beautiful in its finished state - so fresh, crisp, and complete. I love that beautiful porch and the many (many) windows. You should be very proud of this accomplishment. And now - I'm looking forward impatiently to seeing the next steps on your Mansion. You seem to have a very full, fun schedule, but I hope the Mansion looms large in your plans!
