Friday, February 10, 2017

Spray Painting Table

I had the perfect table for the Butterfly scene, but I wanted it black, not the fruitwood it was.
Table in the background needs to be black...and blue vase needs to be red.
And, yes, the blue vase looks good right now cuz it's picking up the blue in the painter's tape but eventually that blue vase will be switched out with a red one.

So I decided to spray paint the table.  Lots of people spray paint miniature furniture.  So I can too, right? Yikes. Something went terribly wrong....
Streaky bubbles appeared!
I'm not sure if I held the can to close to the project (directions said 6" - 8" away and I thought I had but...), or if the temperature in my garage was too cold for spraying that day, or if I did a second coat to soon after the first, or what happened.  But those streaky bubbles looked hideous!
Sanded all the bubbles off and tried again

I love the design on the table edges; thankfully the paint didn't bubble up there!

Gave it another first coat (lightly)
My patience was tried, but I made sure to measure and sprayed only 7" from the project and I waited an entire day between each of my four spray coats.  So my one-day project took four, but I am happy with it...

A table top I can live with!

Finally!  So pretty!
I also spent an evening this week priming the box pieces, assembling the pieces, and wallpapering the interior space.  And I got an extra vase and painted it red so the flowers are now ready to go!
Coming along nicely!
Yeah. So those parts are done. Now to experiment with the "dirt" (coffee grinds) and to get over to the laser cutter to print out my Shoji doors I designed!


  1. Patience... not something we all have tons of -- but yours paid off nicely!

    1. Hahahaha! Yes, I usually don't have patience, which is how I ended up in that mess in the first place, I suspect!

  2. Hi, Lori - In spite of all the setbacks and frustration, the black table is perfect for the Butterfly room scene; that is a beautiful table. The red vase sets it off wonderfully; or maybe vice-versa? I love the wallpaper. Just right! Great choices.
